
LIFE BAQUA Project Symposium in Paris

On July 18th, 2019, it will be held the LIFE BAQUA Project Symposium in Paris, France. It belongs with the International Conference of Materials and Nanomaterials (M&Ns-19), organized by Sciknowledge.


productores de platano

II Encuentro Regional de Productores de Plátano Ecológico

LIFE BAQUA Project will participate in the “II Regional Meeting of Producers of Organic Bananas” to present the uses of the banana pseudostem in several sectors, next 9 th of November, at 17:45 h, in the Council Theatre of Gáldar, Gran Canaria.



I Foro Internacional de Economía Circular y Oportunidades para el Desarrollo Bio-económico
en Islas

The I International Forum of Circular Economy and Opportunities for the Bio-Economic Development on Islands, organized by ISLANDAP project, will be celebrated between 8 th and 9 th of November. LIFE BAQUA will participate.



H2020-SABANA’s networking event

The 3rd annual meeting of the European Project H2020-SABANA will be held in Gran Canaria during October 16-17th. Considering the interest to share similar initiatives and experiences within different Programs financed by EU, on Thursday 18th, a dissemination/networking event has been organized at the Marine Scientific Park of the ULPGC in Taliarte. Among the invited projects is LIFE BAQUA one that is going to explain its activities.



Training day about bioplastic and biobased materials

In order to know what are the currently usage trends of bioplastics and biobased plastics, such as present an original training proposal about the transformation of these materials, Aiitip is organizing an event on its facilities in October 15th.

During the event several themes will be discuss: 3D printing with advanced biobased materials in the automotive sector, biobased compound materials and the revalorization of agrowaste of the citric, mushroom and banana industry to develop biobased products.