AMBI-Metalplast d.o.o.
Company AMBI has been injecting plastics since 1975. It is a private commercial organization with many years of experience and know-how in the field of injection moulding that helps the company to retain a high level of production processes and strict respect of contractual obligations. The production program of the company is divided into six product groups: automotive industry, pharmaceutical industry, electronics, telecommunications, the program of heating installations and general consumption. These have been created on the basis of product use and various quality and microbiological requirements. With such a diversity of production the company can offer a wide range of high quality products made from different thermoplastics and some elastomeric materials. Plastic products are produced in their own machine park which contains 16 automated machines with closing forces ranging between 22 to 650 tonnes.
AMBI will collaborate with TECOS (subcontractor) for the preparation of the natural additive materials (integrating the fibres in polymeric matrix), implementation of mechanical tests and for BAQUA dissemination. TECOS (SLOVENIAN TOOL AND DIE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE) was established in 1994 on the initiative of Slovenian toolmakers as a non-profit organisation by the Government of Slovenia, Municipality of Celje and Slovenian Chamber of Commerce. During this time TECOS has cooperated with more than 200 industrial partners and scientific-research organizations, for which reason it has successfully carried out more than 900 applied and research and development projects. Moreover, it has experience in European projects (FP, Eureka, etc.).
In the LIFE BAQUA project, AMBI will be the leader of the conventional plastic demostration line. Three of their current products will be developed with banana fibre additives to practically demonstrate whether the new developed material with banana fibre additives satisfy the product's requirements.
Web: www.metalplast.si